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Flying with Feet on the Ground
We start the year with firm steps at Madame Dynamite. We are in full evolution and very happy and grateful for the positive changes that lie ahead for the brand. And that reminds us of how important it is to feel free to choose our path, trust ourselves, and work hard to achieve our dreams.
These qualities, so inherent to women, are what we want to celebrate and share with you today. It's always necessary to remind ourselves, to take care of ourselves, to feel free, and to have high self-esteem. Because it hasn't always been like this.
In other times, not so distant, what was more socially accepted was a very different role for women, more passive, more suffered, and confined to the "home" environment. Female education prepared you to accept it willingly, but not all women did. Outside that almost sacred environment, thinking for ourselves, having our own voice and being heard, working outside the home, taking risks, discovering, refusing to comply with what was expected of us, or definitively taking flight, made those who dared feel like oddities or even "bad people" and "bad mothers".
Can you imagine how they longed for freedom?
But that's in the past. We have already turned that page in history and taken the reins of our lives. And we enjoy it to the fullest.
Breath of Freedom
At Madame Dynamite, we want you to feel free and happy. We want you to feel how the music and dance elevate you and give you the security and strength of the woman you are when you wear our shoes.
To remind you of this, we want to share a beautiful poem by Mary Oliver with you, an American poet who won a Pulitzer Prize and is one of the most popular English-language poets for her accessible language and unique sensibility. Mary represents the feminine spirit which, despite adversity, is capable of rebirth and transmitting beauty.
Her life also illustrates the scourge of macho violence that is present every day in our society. She suffered sexual abuse in her childhood, which she was able to overcome, among other things, through her walks in her native Ohio. Her contact with nature, which she almost lived spiritually, became her best therapy and led to her vocation as a poet.
In homage to all women, those of the past and those of the present, who feel the happiness of life, music, and swing, we share with you the beautiful poem Wild Geese. The title refers to the energetic and powerful flight of birds in the form of a V, which we see as a good symbol that represents each and every one of us. Enjoy the reading.
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to crawl through
the desert on your knees, repenting.
You just have to let that delicate animal
that is your body love what it loves....
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely
the world offers itself to your imagination,
and calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
— announcing over and over again
your place in the family of things.
Mary Oliver – Dream Work, 1986

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